Dead Man Appointed into CPDM Central Committee, Reports The Post newspaper
The Chairman of the CPDM, Paul Biya, September 16, appointed a dead man, John Tata Mforme, as a substantive member of the Central Committee of the party.

Late Tata, who hailed from Oku in Bui Division, and who died several years ago, was appointed at the 3rd CPDM Ordinary Congress, which took place at the Yaounde International Conference Centre. He was supposed to be a member of the now 350-member Central Committee, which, hitherto, comprised 250 members, some of whom, like Tata Mforme, died before the Congress.

Petals of Porcine Corruption

In fine, the announced October 9 presidential elections in the Cameroons will be just one more manner of spreading porcine corrupt practices around and about.
The Biya regime is enticing equally corrupt politicians with a cash-handout, or bait, of 25.000.000FCFA from the state coffers to present a challenge to his candidacy.
There are now 23 candidates now running. Each candidate pays in 5.000.000FCFA to the state treasury.
All the candidates have to do is rush to the nearing bank, microfinance hourse, credit union or whatever and demand a short term loan of 5.000.000FCFA.
They they collect 25.000.000 from the state; payback their short-term loan and report a profit of at least 15.000.000.
For less than three weeks of work.
Small wonder Cameroon has several times been voted most corrupt country on earth.
With Mr. Paul Biya presiding.
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The Change Discourse: Ending Paristrioka. From the Manuscript of Den of Lions Vol. I. By Ntemfac Nchwete Ofege

Limitations of Change. 1. Credible Opposition 2. Credible Leadership 3. The absence of proper diagnosis and a minimal achievable goal. 4. The absence of unity. 5. Appropriate Strategies. 6. Finances. 7 The absence of timing and a sense of urgency 8. The absence of commitment, broad participation and representation. The rainbow coalition must be as broad as possible accommodating all factions of the population and their interests. 8. The absence of strategic planning. 9. The Absence of non-violent discipline. 10. The absence of creative thinking. 11. Fear and the lack of confidence.
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